Basic Information

Alternative names: Imdugud or Imgig (Sumerian), Anzu or Zu-bird (Akkadian)
Type/Species: Draconic Hybrid
Slayer: Ninurta or Marduk
Origin: Mesopotamian Mythology, Akkadian Mythology, Babylonian Mythology, Assyrian Mythology, Sumerian Mythology

About Zu

Zu was an enormous dragon, sometimes considered a storm-bird, in the mythologies of Ancient Mesopotamia. [4] He was born on the mountain Hehe, [8] and he nested at the top of the Sabu Mountains. [4]

In Sumerian myths, the Zu-bird was a mythological creature prone to mischief, [1] while other myths presented Zu as a half-demonic, half-divine dragon with both benevolent and sinister aspects. [6] In Akkadian and Babylonian mythology, he was a storm-bird or a dragon, [7] capable of destruction and chaos.

The Various Aspects of Zu

In his divine form, Zu personified the southern wind and thunderclouds, [8] and he became the emblem of the deity Ningirsu. [6]

In his mischievous incarnation, Zu stole the Tupsimati from Enlil and hid it in his nest like an egg, for he failed to recognize its great power, which aided Enlil in his rule of the universe. Enlil sent his son Ninurta to retrieve the tablets. When the dragon refused to return them, Ninurta tore off his wings [4] and decapitated him. Then he took the tablets and restored them to his father. [5]

In his demonic manifestation, Zu was an attendant of Tiamat. [4] He threated all domesticated animals. [6] He stole the Tablet of Destinies to establish himself as the head of the gods. [7]

Zu and the Tablets of Destinies

The dragon Zu was most famous for his theft of the Tablets of Destinies, which was made clear by the many variations of the story.

In one version, Enki originally carried the power of the tablet before Zu flew off with it. Ninurta attacked the monster mid-flight, forcing the dragon to drop the tablet back into the apsu, Enki's watery domain. [3]

In another version, Zu was a powerful storm bird appointed by Enlil to guard the deity's bath chamber. [8] Zu watched over the entrance of Enlil's shrine while the deity bathed, and from his position, Zu could also spy upon the crown of Enlil's sovereignty, the divine Tablet of Destinies, constantly. [9]

Thus the monstrous being, the divine demon, saw the power of Enlil, and conceived the removal of Enlilship (or his power) by stealing the Tablet of Destinies. Zu would then rule all the decrees of the gods, and he would carry off all the norms. The next day while Enlil bathed and left the tablet on the throne, Zu seized it and flew away to his mountain, thus suspending the norms. Stillness spread everywhere, and silence prevailed. The brilliance of the sanctuary faded, and Enlil, the counselor of the gods, was speechless. [9]

Anu asked for someone to step forward and slay Zu. The gods asked Adad [9] and Shara. [10]

Neither agreed to fight, asking "Who is like Zu among the gods?" [10]

They also pointed out that Zu, in taking the Tablet of Destinies, suspended all the norms. "He who opposes Zu will become like clay/At his [words] the gods waste away." [9]

Then Ninurta, the son of Enlil, agreed to slay the monstrosity of Zu. [19]

Ninurta met Zu on the mountainside, and when the dragon saw the deity approach him with aggression, he demanded an explanation. [10]

When Zu saw him he raged at him, He ground (his teeth) like a demon, his brilliance covered the mountain, He roared like a lion seized with anger. In his rage he called the hero: "I have carried off everyone of the norms, And (therefore) the decrees of all the gods I direct: Who art thou to come to fight with me? Explain thyself!"

-- Assyrian Tablet [11]

Ninurta did not shake at the rage of the dragon. He engaged him in combat, and Zu let loose a piercing shriek. Darkness fell and the face of the mountain became covered; thus, Ninurta, the light of the gods, entered the gloom. In the midst of the war, Ninurta launched fourteen storm floods and bathed in blood, and all the while, clouds of death sent rain. [11]

The lightning was not lightning in this battle, but instead the poisoned arrows of Ninurta. In the middle of the battle, he took his bow and loosed an arrow at Zu, but it could not approach the dragon. [11]

The arrow turned back, for Zu called to it: [12]

"O arrow that has come, return to thy canebrake
Stave of the bow return to they wood,
Return bow-gut to the sheep's rump, return wings to the birds!"
While he bore the Tablet of Destinies of the gods in his hands
...the arrows could not approach his body
The battle was stilled, the conflict ceased
The weapons were stopped, in the midst of the mountain
      They vanquished not Zu.

-- Assyrian Tablet [12]

Ninurta sent Adad to report to the gods all the deeds that transpired. [12] Ea Ninigiku asked Adad to return with instructions: [13]

In battle do not tire, prove thy strength,
Subdue him, by the onslaught of the south wind let his pinions be overcome.
Take the weapon to the back of thy darts,
Cut off his pinions, scatter (them) to the right and left.
When he sees his wings (the sight) will rob him of speech:
"Wing to wing!" he will cry, fear him no (longer).
Draw thy bow (and) from its breast let fly the arrows like lightning.
Let pinions (and) wings dance like bloody things,
Slit this throat, vanquish Zu,
Let the winds carry his wings to a secret place
Toward Ekur, to thy father Enlil
Take flood and confusion into the midst of the mountains.

-- Assyrian Tablet [13]

Ninurta returned to battle with the Seven-of-the-Battle, the seven ill winds, and the seven whirlwinds that stir up dust. The winds of the south, north, east, and west converged on the dragon Zu. He became confused, then frightened, and Ninurta routed Zu and cut his throat. [14]

In other accounts, Marduk slew the monstrous Zu and returned the Tablet of Destinies. [8]

Zu and the Huluppu Tree

In one Sumerian poem, a creation myth features the Zu-bird. A lovely huluppu-tree, possibly a willow, grew on the banks of the Euphrates River. Inanna noticed the tree and took it to Erech, where she kept her own holy garden. When the tree grew large enough, she planned to use its wood, so she tended the tree for many years. [1]

But when the time came, she could not cut it down, for at its root, the snake who knew no charm built its nest and at its crown, the Zu-bird placed its young. Lilith, the maid of desolation, took up the middle of the tree for her house. Thus, Inanna's lovely huluppu-tree was tainted. [1]

Gilgamesh overheard Inanna telling her brother Utu about the loss of her splendid tree and the horrors that nested in it. So he readied himself for battle with his armor and his ax of the road, [1] and he went to the garden. There he slew the serpent who knew no charm at the base of the tree. Zu witnessed this and fled with his young to the mountain, and Lilith likewise fled. [2]

Inanna rewarded Gilgamesh by presenting him with a pukku, crafted from the base of the tree, and a mikku, fashioned from its crown, which he later used on his many epic quests. [2]

Physical Description

Zu had various descriptions. In some cases, he was simply described as a huge dragon. [4]

Zu, or the Zu-bird, was sometimes a man with a body of an eagle and the paws of a lion. [8] At other times, Zu is a lion with the head of an eagle, [4] or an eagle with a lion's head. [6] Other times he is described as having the head of an eagle and the torso of a man with a beard. [4]

His beak is as a saw, and his hide is more than eleven coats of mail. [8] References are also made to Zu's teeth (suggesting he had more than just a beak). [11]

In Sumerian myth, where he was known as Imdugud, he was a winged lion with the head of an eagle, or with two eagle heads. [15]

Quick Facts

  • Zu was born on the mountain Hehe. [8]
  • He nested in the Sabu Mountains. [4]
  • Zu had both sinister and benevolent aspects, being half-demonic and half-divine. [6]
  • He was an attendant of Tiamat. [4]
  • He was prone to mischief, like a trickster. [1]
  • Zu personified the southern wind and thunderclouds. [8]
  • Zu stole the Tupsimati from Enlil [4] or Enki, depending on the version. [3]
  • None of the deities wanted to retrieve the tablets because of their power, which threatened even the gods. [9]
  • Ninurta alone was brave enough to fight the dragon. [10]
  • Zu died at the hands of Ninurta after a fierce battle. [14] In Babylonian myths, Marduk slew the dragon. [8]

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Term Reference

n. Anu was an Akkadian, Sumerian, Babylonian, Hurrian, Hittite, and Syrian deity. He was the divine king of both natural and supernatural world and the source of all order.
n. The son of Anu and a storm deity, sometimes called the Irrigator. [9]
Ea Ninigiku
n. Deity of creation, water, wisdom, art, civilization, and law. He was a god found in the Akkadian, Assyro-Babylonian, and Sumerian pantheons. His many names resulted in a combination of two. Ninigiku (King of the Sacred Eye) illuminated his omniscience, and Ea referred to the fresh (drinkable) waters that he ruled that gave life. [16]
Other names: Ninigiku-Ea, Ea (Akkadian), Ninigiku, Enki (Sumerian)
n. Sumerian deity of creation, water, wisdom, art, civilization, and law. He was a god found in the Akkadian, Assyro-Babylonian, and Sumerian pantheons. [16]
Other names: Ninigiku-Ea, Ea (Akkadian), Ninigiku
n. The Sumerian god of the wind, he was known as the Lord of the Air and the embodiment of authority and energy.
n. The King of Uruk and a mythic hero in the mythologies of Mesopotamia.
Hehe Mountain
n. A mythic mountain covered in forests.
n. The Sumerian goddess of love, strife, and battle. She was called Istar in Akkadian myth.
n. A mythic object crafted by Inanna and given to Gilgamesh. It has been variously described as a stick, drumstick, and line. When combined with the pukku, it was the sacred measuring rod and line.
n. Sumerian deity of rain and fertility. Later became known as a war god and patron of hunters under the name Ninurta.
n. He was the son of Enlil and Ninlil and the Sumerian, Akkadian, and Canannite deity of rain, fertility, war, and the hunt. His earlir name was Ningirsu.
n. A mythic object crafted by Inanna and given to Gilgamesh. It has been variously described as a drum, ball, and puck-shaped object. When combined with the mikku, it was the sacred measuring rod and line.
Sabu Mountains
n. A fantastic mountain range located somewhere in Central Arabia.
n. A minor god of war and the first-born of Ishtar (Akkadian) [10] or Inanna (Sumerian)
Tablets of Destinies
n. Sacred tablets of tremendous power; they legitimized the ruling authority of deities.
n. Another name for the sacred Tablets of Destinies.
n. A Sumerian sun deity and brother to Inanna.
Anu n. Anu was an Akkadian, Sumerian, Babylonian, Hurrian, Hittite, and Syrian deity. He was the divine king of both natural and supernatural world and the source of all order.
Adad n. The son of Anu and a storm deity, sometimes called the Irrigator. [9]
Ea Ninigiku n. Deity of creation, water, wisdom, art, civilization, and law. He was a god found in the Akkadian, Assyro-Babylonian, and Sumerian pantheons. His many names resulted in a combination of two. Ninigiku (King of the Sacred Eye) illuminated his omniscience, and Ea referred to the fresh (drinkable) waters that he ruled that gave life. [16]
Other names: Ninigiku-Ea, Ea (Akkadian), Ninigiku, Enki (Sumerian)
Enki n. Sumerian deity of creation, water, wisdom, art, civilization, and law. He was a god found in the Akkadian, Assyro-Babylonian, and Sumerian pantheons. [16]
Other names: Ninigiku-Ea, Ea (Akkadian), Ninigiku
Enlil n. The Sumerian god of the wind, he was known as the Lord of the Air and the embodiment of authority and energy.
Gilgamesh n. The King of Uruk and a mythic hero in the mythologies of Mesopotamia.
Hehe Mountain n. A mythic mountain covered in forests.
Inanna n. The Sumerian goddess of love, strife, and battle. She was called Istar in Akkadian myth.
Mikku n. A mythic object crafted by Inanna and given to Gilgamesh. It has been variously described as a stick, drumstick, and line. When combined with the pukku, it was the sacred measuring rod and line.
Ningirsu n. Sumerian deity of rain and fertility. Later became known as a war god and patron of hunters under the name Ninurta.
Ninurta n. He was the son of Enlil and Ninlil and the Sumerian, Akkadian, and Canannite deity of rain, fertility, war, and the hunt. His earlir name was Ningirsu.
Pukku n. A mythic object crafted by Inanna and given to Gilgamesh. It has been variously described as a drum, ball, and puck-shaped object. When combined with the mikku, it was the sacred measuring rod and line.
Sabu Mountains n. A fantastic mountain range located somewhere in Central Arabia.
Shara n. A minor god of war and the first-born of Ishtar (Akkadian) [10] or Inanna (Sumerian)
Tablets of Destinies n. Sacred tablets of tremendous power; they legitimized the ruling authority of deities.
Tupsimati n. Another name for the sacred Tablets of Destinies.
Utu n. A Sumerian sun deity and brother to Inanna.


  1. Kramer 33
  2. Kramer 34
  3. Littleton 107
  4. Rose [Dragons] 410
  5. Rose [Dragons] 411
  6. Turner 164
  7. Turner 393
  8. Mesopotamians and their Gods: Other Gods
  9. Pritchard [Near East] 93
  10. Pritchard [Near East] 94
  11. Pritchard [Near East] 96
  12. Pritchard [Near East] 97
  13. Pritchard [Near East] 98
  14. Pritchard [Near East] 99
  15. Rose [Dragons] 189
  16. Turner 161

For more information on footnotes and references, please see the bibliography.