Symbolism of the Color Blue
Blue has a wide spectrum, ranging from light, or powder, blue to dark, or navy, blue. Both the sea and the sky are symbolic of vastness, infinity, and the experience beyond the grasp of the human condition, both the ultimate and the eternal. [1] Since blue is tied in with oceanic and celestial symbolism, blue also symbolizes wide, open space and primordial emptiness. [2]
Symbolism of Light Blue
Shades of light blue are associated with the daytime sky and the calm sea. [3] Light blues represent the masculine principle and spatial distance. [2]
Symbolism of Dark Blue
The darker shades of blue represent the sky at night or the overcast, stormy skies [3] and the still, deep waters. [2] Darker blues are associated with the feminine principle and peace. [2]
Symbolism of Blue Overall

In modern psychology, blue is linked with decreased blood pressure and respiration rate; it produces a calming effect. [5] Jung identified blue as representative of the clear sky during the day, and the color symbolized thinking. [3]
Catholicism and other Christian traditions use blue as a symbol for the Virgin Mary. [2,4]
In parts of the East and parts of the Arab world, blue protects against the 'evil eye.' [2,4]
In some Asian countries, blue is associated with the occult, and blue eyes are a sign of magical powers. [4] In China, blue symbolizes immortality. [5]
In Feng Shui, blue is a color of the element water with the passive Yin aspect. It is used for healing, relaxation, peace, trust, and exploration. [5]
Introspection and dreamlike states are connected with the color blue, [2] which is one of the reason for Jung's connection of blue to thinking. [3] Blue can represent the unattainable or inaccessible. [4] In Iran, blue is the color of heaven, spirituality, and mourning. [5]
In Western Europe, blue represents sadness or depression, and light blue is the color of baby boys. [5] In modern Western culture, blue represents the corporate work lifestyle. [5]
Blue Dragons

Blue is a common color for sea serpents. Light blue dragons represent the vastness of the sky and flight, while dark blue dragons represent still, deep waters. Blue dragons are highly protective creatures and magical.
Blue Chinese dragons are of the purest azure colors. They are a symbol of the East and are pacifying.
All of the dragon graphics on this page were created by Donna Quinn.
- Stevens [Ariadne's Clue] 149
- O'Connell and Airey 115
- Cirlot 53
- Lanse 6
- Visual Color Symbolism Chart by Culture
For more information on footnotes and references, please see the bibliography.