7 September 2008
Updated the Bibliography.
23 August 2008
Updated the Bibliography. Updated the The Nine Dragon Scroll.
21 August 2008
Updated Dragons of Fame and added Lei Jen Zu, Fire-Drake, Suileach, and Tarasca.
17 August 2008
Added a new guestbook.
11 August 2008
The Circle of the Dragon now has a brand new web design with graphics by Donna Quinn Revamped Dragon Colors and added brown, rainbow, yellow, and a new introduction. Pruned the Dragon Portal. Updated autobiography and added new banners.
Revamped Dragons of Fame so instead of listings by region, it is done alphabetically. The interactive quizzes have been taken down for repair. Updated the site index and added a Site Search from Google.
30 May 2006
Updated the Dragons of Fame and added Shervage Worm and Dragon of Norton Fitzwarren. Updated the Bibliography. Retired the Forum and took down the guestbook for repair.