Previous Updates 2013
20 October 2013
The Dragons of Fame section had the following entries updated: Ahriman / Angra Mainyu, Asdeev, Azi Dahaka / Azidahaka / Azhi Dahaka, Ba-Sha / Beixi, Ba Xia / Baxia / Pa-Hia, Bei-She / Haoxian, Bi-An / Bian / P'i-Han, Bi Xi / Bixi / Hi-Pi, Chao Feng / Chaofeng, Chi Wen / Ch'i-wen / Chiwen, Humbaba / Khumbaba, Jiao Tu / Jiaotu / Tiao Tu, Kur, Pulao / Pu-Lao, Qiuniu / Qiu Niu / Sze-Niu, Sua Ni / Suanmi / Suan Mi / Swan-I, Tao-Tieh / T'ao-Tieh / T'ao T'ieh / Tao Tie / Taotie, Ya Zi / Yazi / Ai-hwa, and Zhayu.
7 October 2013
A new Dragon Species has been added: Tarasca / Coca. Added new entries to the Bibliography.
Updated the following entries of the Dragons of Fame section: Amam / Amermait / Ammut, Apophis / Apep, Apsu / Abzu / Apzu, Bel or Nebuchadnezzar's Dragon, Guita, Illuyankas / Illujanka, Tiamat / Tihamtu, and Zu / Anzu.
9 September 2013
Updated Dragons of Fame section. Check out the following updated and new articles: Aido Hwedo, Ayida / Dan Ayido Hwedo / Aida Wedo, Pai Lung / Bai Long, Python, Paiste / Lig-na-Baste, Wadjet / Wadjyt / Wadjit / Ouadjet / Uto / Edjo, Akhekhu / Akhekh, Denwen, Mehen, and Nehebkau / Nehebu-kau.
Previous Updates 2012
31 December 2012
Updated the Real Species articles, including Black-bearded Flying Lizard, Common Flying Dragon, Komodo Dragon, Kuhl's Flying Gecko, Paradise Tree Snake, and Twin-barred Tree Snake. Updated the Bibliography, Site Index, and Site Map.
Check out the new article on Eastern Dragon Anatomy.

Eastern Dragon Anatomy. © Kylie 'drago' McCormick.
23 December 2012
Updated Drake Anatomy and Snake Anatomy. Updated the Site Map and the Site Index. Updated Contacts, Copyright, Disclaimer, and Privacy Policy. Updated the Bibliography and improved sorting for the Dragons of Fame.
10 December 2012
Updated the Anatomy and Physiology Terminology article and added Anatomy and Physiology Terminology Index. Updated the The Dragon Portal. Added Bulat the Brave to Dragon Slayers.
26 November 2012
Updated the Alchemy article. Updated the quiz and results for What dragon color are you?
19 November 2012
Welcome to the new format of the Circle of the Dragon! New features include inline footnotes for research pages, subnavigation formats, and a lot of new information.
17 November 2012
Updated the entire Dragon of Fame section with new inline-style footnotes. More revisions to come.
11 November 2012
The entire Dragon Media section has been revamped. Updated the Draconic Storybook. Updated each entry in Dragon Book Reviews and Dragon Movie Reviews. Revamped Dragon Ceramics and Figures.
5 November 2012
Updated the Other Galleries page. Pruned and updated the Bibliography.
3 November 2012
Updated the Dragon Slayers section: Saint Margaret of Anitoch, Yorimasa, Saint George, Sekandar, Rostam and Rakhsh, Heracles / Hercules /Herakles, Dobrynja / Dobrynya, Haymo / Haymon / Haimon / HeimBahram, and Susa-no-o / Susano.
1 November 2012
Added The Circle Gallery has a new navigational layout. Added new artwork by Alan Rabinowitz: Illustration of a Monster and Dragon Winter.
31 October 2012
Added Jenny Hanivers / Devil Fish to Dragon Types. Updated all other entries in Dragon Types.
28 October 2012
The section named Helpers of the Dragons has been renamed to Dragon Allies and Companions. Updated Hidesato / Tawara Toda and Urashima. Updated Dragons of Fame - Benten / Benzaiten and Yamata-no-orochi. Updated Dragon Slayers - Susa-no-o / Susano.
24 October 2012
Updated Frequently Asked Questions and Why is it a dragon?
22 October 2012
Overhauled the Dragon Species section. All entries have been drastically updated, but specifically updated and added graphics to Amphisbaena. Updated Agathos Daimon / Agathodemon, Basilisk, Cockatrice, Gowrow, Iaculus / Iaculi , Naga.
To the Dragon Species section, added the following: Cadborosaurus willsi / Caddy, Kioh-Lung / K'iih-lung / K'iu-Lung, Shui Yuen, Tatzelwurm / Tazelwurm, T'eng-She, Ti Lung, and Yu-Lung.
15 October 2012
Updated Dragon and Fantasy Fonts, Coming Soon, Autobiography, and The Circle of the Dragon Banners.
10 October 2012
Revamped and updated the entire Dragon Colors section. Updated About the Circle of the Dragon, Myth, Legend, and Folkore, and Bibliography.
Previous Updates 2011
3 September 2011
Overhauled Flight, that is the Question with added sections on Insect Flight, Pterosaur Flight, Avian Flight, Mammalian Flight, Novel Theory: Hydrogen Drifting, Dragon Flight: Evolving the Ability to Fly, Dragon Flight: Thermoregulation, and Dragon Flight: How would dragons fly? Updated the Bibliography, which is now split into three sections: Articles from Magazines and Journals, Books, and Web Sites.
27 February 2011
Updated the Bibliography. Added Dragon Anatomy section on Avian Anatomy.
4 January 2011
Updated the Bibliography and Dragons Among the Stars. Added Drake Anatomy to Dragon Anatomy.
Previous Updates 2010
22 December 2010
Updated the Bibliography and Common Flying Dragon has been updated. Added Other Reptile and Amphibian Anatomy to Dragon Anatomy and Physiology.
21 December 2010
Updated the Bibliography. Added Western Dragon Anatomy and Anatomy Terminology.

Tetrapod Western Dragon Skeleton. © Kylie 'drago' McCormick.
19 December 2010
Added Dragon Anatomy and Physiology, specifically Snake Anatomy. Added Sekandar to Dragon Slayers. Updated the Bibliography.
1 December 2010
Added Rostam and Rakhsh to Dragon Slayers. Updated the entry for Eastern Dragons in Dragon Types. Updated the Bibliography.
18 November 2010
Three new Dragon Types have been added: Dragon Beast, Great Serpent, and Serpent Waist. Pruned the Dragon Rings. Added Hine-korako / Hinekorako, Horo-matangi / Horomatangi, and Humbaba to Dragons of Fame.
16 November 2010
Overhauled Dragon Types. Pruned Dragon Portal.
15 November 2010
Updated the Bibliography. Overhauled Dragon Colors. See Color Symbolism: An Introduction, The Complexity of the Color Experience: The Science of Sight, A Quick Reminder, and Color Shorthand and Colloquial Expressions, Black Dragons, Blue Dragons, Bronze Dragons, Brown Dragons, Gray Dragons, Green Dragons, Gold Dragons, Purple Dragons, Rainbow Dragons, Red Dragons, Silver Dragons, White Dragons, Yellow Dragons.
13 November 2010
Re-opened The Circle Gallery with many new artists, including James Browne, Meredith Dillman, Judy Mastrangelo, Jessica Peffer, Carol Phillips, Wenche Skjšndal, Sandra Staple, and Susan Van Camp.
12 November 2010
Updated Other Galleries links and banners.
8 November 2010
The Circle of the Dragon has a new style! References and footnotes are being updated to be more specific. Added a whole new section on Dragon Science and Dragon Mythology. Added An Introduction to Mythology: Story Styles and Types.
25 October 2010
Updated the Bibliography. Overhauled the Dragons of Fame. Updated Python, Mehen, Peke-Haua, Hotu-puku, Iemisch, Ihuaivulu, Iwanci, Illuyankas / Illujanka, Kataore, Kashchei / Koshchei / Koschey / Katschei / Koshchey / Kashey, Ka-en-ankh Nereru.
24 October 2010
Updated Agunua and Hatuibwari. Updated Uraeus, Uwibami, and Abrasax.
23 October 2010
Added Masingi to the Dragons of Fame. Updated Pai Lung, Orira, Omanaia, Ollipeist, Ohopa, O Goncho, Cetus, Chac, Chimera, Chudo-Yudo, Vouivre, Wadjet, Waima, Walutahanga, Whirinaki, Dabbat, Dragon of Norton Fitzwarren, Denwen, Drac.
12 October 2010
Updated Basilic. Updated the Bibliography.
5 June 2010
Updated Dragons Among the Stars. Updated the Bibliography. Added Kolowisi / Kolowissi to the Dragons of Fame.
30 May 2010
Added Araiteuru, Hine-korako, Horo-matangi, Kaiwhare, Mangamuka, Motukauri, Niua / Niwa / Hiwa, Ohopa, Omanaia, Orira, Utakura, Waihou, Waima, Wairere / Waireira, Wairupe, and Whirinaki to Dragons of Fame. Updated Dragon Species. Added Marakihau. Updated the Bibliography.
8 April 2010
Revamped Dragon Slayers and added Saint Margaret. The Saint George entry has new photographs taken on my recent trip to London. Updated the Bibliography.

Photographs taken by Kylie 'drago' McCormick.
Above Left. 'St. Margaret and the Dragon' About 1530-40, Limestone originally from the Church of St. Germain in France, Troyres. Exhibited at the Victoria and Albert Museum March 2010.
Above Right. 'St. George and the Dragon' Plaque of Istrian Stone from Venice, Italy around 1500, specifically from a house near the Ponte dei Bartti. Exhibited at the Victoria and Albert Museum March 2010.
4 April 2010
In celebration of The Circle of the Dragon's Tenth Birthday, I've commissioned new graphics from Donna Quinn. Updated Dragon Species, including Palulukon, Pa Snake, Peist, Puk, and Taniwha. Added Dragon and Fantasy Fonts and Coming Soon... Updated Autobiography.